Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reminder for today: How to Win the World

Back in the day when you can take someone's possession without feeling bad about it, the only sin that is greater than that probably is "making the rightful owner silent" about it. In other words, kill the poor bastard, but that's the only way people can think about at that time.

Then you can become a ninja, killing people without being noticed. Maybe pirates, who can pillage and going rampage, for the fun of it. They are the badasses of their time. The goals are all the same: taking what is not rightfully yours a.k.a. stealing, looting, robbing, snatching those things you wanted, whatever it is.

Today there is a new kind of warfare that many non multi-tasker are so hype about: the internet wars, the web wars, communication war, whatever it is. But they think that modern wars are fought in cyber world besides the physical world, where the classic blood and gore is still the main serving. It is war in the information age, thus we call them information war. People won't stop inventing new terms for the concept that we all already "get it alright?" Because it is somehow cool to be the first to coin the term. It is like spam fest or gaming statwhores.

Before we finish it, they already change the shiznit to something they call knowledge era. It was known for the IT buffs that Information Technology is a means to process raw data into information and from information into knowledge, therefore we now have evolved into the latter. Suddenly, a lot of minds exploded, they thought this is beyond normal. To evolve from one epoch to another in mere decades is highly unthinkable... before..

It took like centuries for people to develop technologies such as steam engines, a working machine finally. This is the ultimate weapon of that day, making repetitive action faster and more efficient, increasing production, speed, and capacity. They can power bigger ships, move bigger guns across the battlefield, and yield more death tolls.

Centuries later, people found information network. It is said that world war 2 was mostly won by intelligence. It what makes KGB and CIA so big after the war, they are simply very important and the big guys realized how important they are during such event. We enhance the way we exchange, process, and keep information using technologies, which is the very purpose of IT science. The awesomeness is like combining a ninja and a maphack system, the assassin knows exactly where the enemies are and where the poor bastard target is, and what is their behavior pattern, making his job far easier.

So, instead of walking on the ceiling or doing awesome acrobatics, ninja are no longer slim and athletic, but they can be a fat lazy trap-setting assholes who lays there watching it all day to see if the fools took the bait and gotcha. That's great! It is very hard to find athletic people, but to make lazy fat guy as efficient as badass ninja is quite a brilliant idea!

People are now dragged to the idea of getting the information firsthand, while it is still hot and fresh. News is one of the freshest source of information, they are like commodities today.

If we were really in an information age, then why large IT companies are facing difficulties? We see Yahoo! and HP are failing they have swift change of leadership in such short amount of time. Then we no longer hear the hype of Cisco, Sun Microsystems, or even IBM, where the hell are they? Even hardware makers are becoming fashionable, like Apple, a proof that technology has been deprived of its marketable dignity. They choose fashion instead! How is that, to think of one day in the future, a spaceship can has its own "attitude" like your fancy gadgets, triple Thiokol iMaIn-Space 89S bio-powered rocket boosters, organic lime green and blue ocean breeze paint jobs.

Anyway, behold on the power of the...

Mass Media

They are as powerful as they are resourceful. The business relies on supplying the needs of the trendiest commodities of that era: information, fresh and hot ones. They hold power over public opinion, and many have total impunity from greatest power ever known to man, even God himself became a victim to the mass media. It is all for the sake of freedom of information.

You cannot escape media portrayal  and their after-effects. It is all about hotness and freshness... little concerns the accuracy. Oh jeez, that's too late already. Was this news legit?

No one knows for sure, nobody even know how to check for accuracy of a news. But no one can deny if a news is hot and fresh. Now now now... to win the world, we need to have some:


Organic news accuracy checker

This will be a great business and we will be profiting from it! It gave us power and control over things that run like hell in their hey days, which is nowadays.